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A Closer Look at Web Designer Careers

As a web designer, your work could be viewed by thousands of people everyday. Web designers create the pages, layout, and graphics for web pages, and play a key role in the development of a website. Web designers have the task of creating the look and feel of a website by choosing the style, and by designing attractive graphics, images, and other visual elements, and adapting them for the website’s pages. Web designers also design and develop the navigation tools of a site. As a web designer, you will make decisions regarding what content is included on a web page, where things are placed, and how the aesthetic and continuity is maintained from one screen to the next. All of this involves skill and training in computer graphics, graphic design, and in the latest in computer and web technology.

full sailWeb Designer Training

Because the Internet is evolving so quickly, you will need to learn about and stay on top of the new technologies, techniques, and design standards that are constantly being developed and used in web design. Training in graphic design and computer technology is a great background for a career in web design. Through your training in these fields you will learn to use design and editing software, such as Adobe PhotoShop and Macromedia FreeHand, that will help you to create and design visual elements that can be used for a web page. Further training in web page creation technologies such as DreamWeaver and GoLive, will help you to increase your knowledge of how web technology works and how websites are developed. All web designers contribute in creating concepts, executing designs, and maintaining concepts through many phases of web development, and with proper training, you will be able to create websites that are both visually pleasing and easy to use.

Web Designer Job Opportunities

With web technology becoming increasingly more advanced, websites today are more interactive and visually stimulating than ever. The popularity and growing need for knowledgeable web designers in today’s multi-media fields have led to enormous employment growth in these areas, and well-trained web designers are and will continue to be in great demand. With proper training in web design, you will be prepared for entry-level positions as a web designer in areas such as advertising, entertainment, web development, multi-media design, and e-commerce.


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